Empowering People Managers to Cultivate Belonging

Attracting Candidates > Employer Branding

In the medical field, fostering a sense of belonging is essential for attracting and retaining top talent. Australian doctors, medical professionals, and specialists are looking for workplaces where they feel valued and included. Empowering practice owners and managers to cultivate belonging within their teams can lead to higher job satisfaction, improved retention, better patient care, and a more cohesive work environment.  


According to the 2021 AusDoc.JOBS study, 62% of job seekers value an inclusive work environment. Here are key strategies to help managers achieve this, based on the latest insights and data. 

Setting the Tone from the Top

Leadership Commitment: Cultivating a sense of belonging starts with a commitment from the highest levels of leadership. When leaders prioritise diversity and inclusion, it sets a standard for the entire organisation. Ensure that your leadership team actively promotes these values and integrates them into the organisational culture. 

Visible Actions: Leaders should demonstrate their commitment through visible actions, such as participating in diversity and inclusion initiatives, celebrating cultural events, and addressing issues of bias and inequality promptly and transparently. 

Education and Training

Diversity Training: Implement comprehensive diversity and inclusion training for all employees, especially managers. This training should cover topics such as unconscious bias, cultural competence, and inclusive leadership. 

Continuous Learning: Encourage ongoing education and awareness. Provide access to resources, workshops, and seminars that keep diversity and inclusion at the forefront of managers’ minds. 

Targeted Support

Mentorship Programs: Establish mentorship programs that pair experienced doctors and other employees with newer team members. This not only supports professional development but also fosters a sense of belonging and community within the organisation. 

Employee Resource Groups: Support the creation of employee resource groups (ERGs) where individuals with shared backgrounds or interests can connect. These groups provide a platform for employees to share experiences and support each other, enhancing the feeling of belonging. 

Supporting Managers

Provide Tools and Resources: Equip managers with the tools and resources they need to foster an inclusive environment. This can include guides on inclusive hiring practices, templates for conducting inclusive meetings, and checklists for creating welcoming workspaces. 

Encourage Open Communication: Foster a culture where open communication is encouraged. Managers should regularly check in with their team members, provide constructive feedback, and be open to receiving feedback themselves. This helps build trust and shows that everyone’s voice is valued. 

Recognition and Rewards: Recognise and reward managers who excel in promoting diversity and inclusion within their teams. This not only acknowledges their efforts but also sets a positive example for others to follow. 


Empowering managers to cultivate a sense of belonging is crucial for creating an inclusive and supportive work environment in the medical field. By setting the tone from the top, providing education and training, offering targeted support, and continuously supporting managers, organisations can foster a culture where everyone feels valued and included.  

Implementing these strategies will not only enhance job satisfaction and retention but also improve patient care and organisational success.


Employer Branding