Enhancing Your Job Ad to Attract More Applicants

Attracting Candidates > Job Ad Writing

Understand Your Audience

In the competitive field of medicine, attracting top-tier talent requires more than just posting a job vacancy. To ensure your job advertisement stands out and appeals to Australian doctors and other healthcare professionals, it’s essential to craft a compelling and informative listing. Here are some strategies, backed by the latest insights and data, to enhance your job ad and attract more high-quality applicants. 

Understand Your Audience

According to the Annual AusDoc.JOBS Job Seeker Study, Australian medical professionals are diverse in terms of their roles, work environments and career aspirations. Given the different characteristics of the respondents, job ads need to consider many factors, such as stage of career (eg, fully qualified GP or GP registrar), practice type (independent GP-owned medical practices or corporate-owned) and location. Knowing your audience allows you to tailor your job ad to meet their specific needs and expectations.

Highlight Key Concerns and Motivations

From the study, several key factors influence job decisions for medical professionals: 

  1. Work-Life Balance: Flexibility in working hours and the ability to maintain a healthy work-life balance are crucial. In your job ad, emphasise any flexible working arrangements, part-time opportunities and family-friendly policies. Family-friendly environments with no on-call, after-hours or weekend requirements are prioritised by 58% of respondents. 
  2. Location and Practice Type: The location of the job and the type of practice are significant considerations. Ensure your job ad clearly states the practice setting (eg, independent, corporate, community health services) and its geographic location, highlighting any attractive features of the area. In our experience, corporate medical practice roles are often more appealing to doctors earlier in their career, as many come with existing patient lists and non-medical technical support, such as managing the billing process.  
  3. Location is also critical, as many doctors will be looking for job opportunities closer to home or for better paid vacancies, typically in more rural and remote areas.  
  4. Compensation and Benefits: Salary and additional benefits such as paid training opportunities, equity partnerships and bonuses are top priorities. Provide detailed information about the compensation package and any unique benefits your practice offers. According to the study, 72% of job seekers consider salary/billing percentage as a top criterion when browsing job sites. 
  5. Professional Growth: Opportunities for career progression, mentorship and further training are highly valued. Describe the pathways for advancement and any support systems for continued professional development. About 55% of respondents cited personal and professional growth opportunities as key factors in their job decisions. 

Crafting a Compelling Job Ad

  1. Clear and Concise Job Title: Ensure the job title accurately reflects the position, calling out profession type, location and anything else that makes it more desirable. Avoid jargon and use terms that job seekers will likely search for.
  2. Engaging Introduction: Start with a captivating introduction that highlights what makes your practice unique. Mention any recent achievements, advanced technologies or innovative practices your clinic employs.
  3. Detailed Job Description: Clearly outline the responsibilities and expectations of the role. Use bullet points for easy readability, and include any special requirements or skills needed.
  4. Inclusive Culture: Emphasise the inclusive and supportive culture of your practice. Mention any initiatives or programs that promote a positive work environment and employee wellbeing.
  5. Support: Call out all people and resources available that will make anyone filling the role more successful, such as nurse and pathology services on site, practice management software and even parking.
  6. Benchmark: Look at current job vacancies in your area and what they are offering.
  7. Application Process: Simplify the application process by providing clear instructions on how to apply. Include contact details for any inquiries, and specify the deadline for applications.

Monitor and Adapt

Finally, continuously monitor the performance of your job ads. Collect feedback from applicants and make necessary adjustments to improve clarity and attractiveness. By staying responsive to the needs and preferences of medical professionals, you can ensure your job advertisements remain effective and appealing. 


Enhancing your job ad to attract more applicants involves understanding the needs and motivations of your desired candidates, crafting a detailed and engaging job description, and utilising multiple channels to reach a wide audience. By following these strategies, you can increase your chances of attracting the right candidates to your practice, ensuring a successful and fulfilling recruitment process. 


Job Ad Writing