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AusDoc’s Interview Question Repository is an intuitive tool designed to help you get inspired and create a question template.

Our repository features a diverse range of questions that delve into candidates’ motivations, illuminate their behaviours, reveal their situational management skills, and highlight the expertise they have gained.


Motivation questions aim to uncover the reasons, drive, and enthusiasm behind a job application. These questions help determine if the individual's values align with those of the organisation.

Why are you interested in working at this organisation? 

What’s your understanding of the role and why are you interested? 

What parts of your current role do you really love? 

What parts of your current role frustrate you? 

If you were to be successful in getting this role, what would success look like to you? 

Why are you looking to leave your current role? What action have you taken to try and make it work? 

How would you describe the work environment or culture you’re most productive and happy in? 

What actions, behaviours or events would limit or impact your workplace motivation? 

Take us through a perfect day at work, how would you be spending your time, who would you be working with? 

How would your colleagues describe you in three words? 

Tell us about a team you’ve worked in that enabled you to do your best work?

What was it about the team that made you do your best work? 

What work achievement you are most proud of? 

What drives you to achieve your professional goals, and how do you stay motivated during challenging times? 

Can you share a specific instance where your motivation led to a significant positive outcome at work? 

How do you align your personal values and career aspirations with the goals of an organisation? 


Situational questions are intended to explore specific issues and challenges that may arise at work. Responses should outline the precise steps the individual would take to handle a particular situation.

If you had two important deadlines coming up, how would you prioritise your tasks? 

What steps would you take to make an important decision on the job? 

You realise that an early mistake in a project is going to put you behind deadline. What do you do? 

How would you handle working closely with a colleague who has a different working style to you? 

What would you do if you made a strong recommendation in a meeting, but your colleagues decided against it? 

You disagree with the way your manager and supervisor says to handle a problem. What would you do? 

How would you deal with a colleague at work with whom you seem to be unable to build a successful working relationship? 

How would you respond if a patient or client was dissatisfied with the care or service they received? 

Describe a time when you had to quickly adapt to a significant change at work. How did you manage it? 

If you were assigned a task that was outside of your expertise, how would you approach completing it? 

How would you handle a situation where you noticed a colleague violating company policies or ethical guidelines? 

What steps would you take if you were given conflicting instructions from two different supervisors? 

Imagine you have a limited amount of time to complete a critical task, but you are missing some key information. How would you proceed? 


Behavioural questions are designed to explore how past behaviour may impact future decisions and performance. The most effective answers offer specific examples of how situations were managed or resolved.

At times you will be asked to do many things at once. How do you prioritise your tasks? 

Have you ever worked in a role where priorities and goals have changed frequently, what were they and how did you ensure you were successful in that environment? 

Tell me about a project or idea that was implemented or executed upon successfully because of your efforts? 

Tell me about a time when you’ve thought about the bigger picture and recommended or implemented a change that’s had long term benefits? 

Tell me about the most difficult stakeholder you’ve had. Why was this the case and how did you make the relationship productive? 

Can you tell me about a recommendation you’ve made which has had significant pushback from a stakeholder? How did you go about influencing them? 

Give me an example of a time when you made a mistake or didn’t deliver on expectations, what happened? What did you learn? 

What’s been the most rewarding team you’ve been a part of and why? 

Give me an example of a new idea or initiative you have suggested to your manager. How did you implement this idea? 

Can you tell me about a time when you’ve had to work with multiple stakeholders to deliver on an outcome? What worked well? What were the challenges? 

Can you share with me constructive feedback you’ve received and how you’ve used that feedback to change the way you work? 

Tell me about a time where you’ve given a team member feedback? How did you approach it and what was the outcome? 


Skills-based questions are designed to determine if an individual's abilities align with the organisation's needs. These questions prompt the interviewee to discuss their current skills and the ones they wish to develop.

Talk us through your professional and technical skill-set. 

What is the one professional and/or technical skill you would most like to develop? 

Based on your understanding of this role, which of your skills do you believe will be most valuable to our organisation? 

Tell us about your most recent project and how you drew on your professional skills to deliver an outcome. 

Tell me about a time that you used your professional skills and/or technical experience to improve a process in your workplace. 

Describe a time when you’ve drawn on your professional skills to challenge the status quo and deliver a better outcome? 

What’s the one achievement that you’re proudest of in your career, what was your involvement and how did you utilise your skills to garner the best outcome? 

Can you describe a situation where you had to quickly learn a new skill or technology? How did you manage it? 

How do you stay current with advancements in your field and ensure your skills remain relevant? 

Tell us about a time when you had to apply a specific technical skill to solve a complex problem. 

What strategies do you use to ensure your professional skills are continually improving? 

Describe an instance where your unique skill set helped you overcome a significant challenge in your work. 

How do you prioritise developing new skills while maintaining your current workload? 

Can you provide an example of how you have shared your professional skills with your team or colleagues to achieve a common goal? 

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