Privacy Policy

We care about your privacy

At Australian Doctor Group, we‘re committed to protecting your personal information. That’s why we’ve put together this policy. It explains in simple terms what kind of personal information we collect, how we use it and whether we disclose it to anyone else. And because we take privacy seriously, it’s been designed with careful reference to the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) and related privacy laws.

This policy applies to the Australian Doctor Group Group Companies, including Australian Doctor Group Pty Ltd (“Australian Doctor Group”, “we”, “us”, “our”) and its related bodies corporate.


Personal information is information or an opinion about an identified individual or an individual who is reasonably identifiable. We usually collect personal information directly from individuals. However, we may also collect personal information about individuals from various third parties (for more details, see ‘Handling of personal information’ below).

The type of personal information we collect depends upon your relationship with us. When doing business with us, you may need to prove your identity and in some cases, the law requires you to do so. We may also require your contact information so that we can communicate with you directly or deliver products and services to you. So the information we collect for these purposes might include your name, telephone number, email address, business address, employment information and possibly, your driver’s licence or some other form of photo identification.

Less often we might collect personal information about you in connection with a commercial trading account or financing arrangement (such as bank records, credit card statements, credit reporting information), particularly if you’re intending to enter into the arrangement in your own name. We’ll provide you with more detailed information about exactly how this type of information will be used and who it may be disclosed to prior to collection.

At times we may also collect personal information for quality and improvement purposes, such as voice recordings made to our call centre and customer satisfaction surveys.

Whenever it’s appropriate, we’ll offer you the opportunity to interact with us anonymously or by a different name. Commonly this option will be provided to you when making a general enquiry about our products and services or requesting information about a job opportunity.


We are committed to ensuring that your personal information is used and/or disclosed only for the purpose it was collected, or for related purposes that are within your reasonable expectations.

From time to time, we may need to disclose your personal information to, or collect information about individuals from, various third parties, including:

  • Other companies within the Australian Doctor Group.
  • Credit providers (both disclosed and undisclosed).
  • Information technology providers.
  • Data processing and payment providers.
  • Financial services and banking providers.
  • Consultancy firms and independent contractors.
  • Auditors, lawyers, and other professional service firms.
  • Marketing agencies and other marketing services providers.
  • Print, mail, digital, imaging, and document management service providers.
  • Customer, product, business, or strategic research and development organizations.
  • Data partners and analytics consultants.
  • Publicly available sources of information.
  • Other entities as required or authorized by law.

Some of these third parties may be located overseas. To safeguard your privacy, we will impose requirements on these entities for handling personal information and will do our best to inform you at or before the time of collection about the types of organizations we may disclose your information to.

Additionally, personal information may be provided to other parties with your specific consent.


Occasionally, we may contact you via mail, SMS, telephone, email, or online to inform you about new products, services, promotions, offers, newsletters, customer surveys, competitions, and similar activities. We may also engage third parties to assist with these communications.

As permitted by law, we may market to you unless you opt-out. We will always provide you with the opportunity to opt-out of direct marketing communications. If you prefer not to receive marketing communications, you don’t need to wait to be contacted—simply let us know through any of the methods listed below, and we will make every effort to honor your request promptly.


Cookies are small pieces of information transferred to your computer’s hard disk for record-keeping purposes. Most web browsers are configured to accept cookies by default. Australian Doctor Group uses cookies to enhance your experience on our websites and services. While cookies do not personally identify users, they do identify the user’s browser, helping us estimate the number of users and determine traffic patterns on our website.

In addition to cookies, Australian Doctor Group employs other technologies, such as Catchbot, a web crawler used for indexing and updating web content.

If you prefer not to receive cookies or interact with bots, you can configure your browser to refuse them. Please note that doing so may limit your ability to fully utilize Australian Doctor Group’s services.

Google cookies

Australian Doctor Group uses Google Analytics features (including Google Remarketing, Google Display Network Impression Reporting, the DoubleClick Campaign Manager and Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting) on our website. We, and some third parties (including Google), use both first party and third party cookies to record standard internet traffic information to optimise ad selection based on age, gender, interests and past visits to our site; evaluate your interactions with ad services on our site; and serve targeted advertising on sites across the Internet.

We, and some third parties (including Google), also use first and third party cookies to optimise advertising on our websites.

Importantly, we do not combine the anonymous information collected through Google Analytics with personally identifiable information.

To opt out of these features at any time, simply change your Google Ads Settings by clicking here. Alternatively, you can opt out of a third party vendor’s use of cookies by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page (see

If you do not wish to receive any cookies you may set your browser to refuse cookies. However, this will mean that we will not be able to personalise your website each time you visit.


Once we collect your personal information, we take reasonable steps to protect it from misuse, loss, interference, unauthorized access, modification, and disclosure. We implement various security measures, including:

  • Physical Security: Ensuring the physical security of paper and electronic data through locks and security systems.
  • Computer and Network Security: Utilizing firewalls, user identification policies, encryption, and password controls.

Your personal information is also securely stored by third-party data storage providers employed by Australian Doctor Group.


We will destroy or de-identify personal information that is no longer needed, unless a law requires us to retain it.


We strive to keep your personal information accurate and up-to-date. You can request to access or correct your information by contacting us using the methods provided below. While there are no standard fees for making a request, we may charge a fee to cover reasonable costs associated with responding to your request.


When you complete our event booking forms, we collect personal information such as names, contact details, industry sector information, and general billing details. This information is used primarily to register delegates, and administer their attendance and participation in events.

If you do not provide the requested information, we may not be able to process your event attendance.

With your consent, we may also share your information with other entities to inform you about future event opportunities that may interest you.

For details on how to access or correct your personal information or to make a complaint, please refer to paragraphs 8 and 10.


For more information about our privacy practices, make a complaint or lodge a request under this policy, please contact:

The Privacy Officer

Australian Doctor Group Pty Limited
Phone: +612 8484 0888
Email:[email protected]
Mail: Australian Doctor Group Pty Limited,
Level 12, 117 York St
Sydney NSW 2000

We will endeavour to respond to your request or complaint within 30 days. If you are still not satisfied, you may take your complaint to the OAIC.