Running Effective Performance Reviews 

Engaging Your Workforce > Performance Management

Performance reviews are a vital tool for maintaining a high standard of care and a motivated workforce in medical settings. Conducting effective performance reviews helps ensure that doctors and medical professionals are supported, engaged, and aligned with organisational goals. Here are some practical tips for running effective performance reviews, with insights tailored to Australian medical professionals. 

Understanding the Importance of Performance Reviews

Performance reviews are essential for both the organisation and the individual. They provide a structured opportunity to discuss achievements, set goals, and address any concerns. According to the Annual AusDoc.JOBS Job Seeker Study, 53% of respondents noted that feeling unsupported was a significant reason for considering a job change . Regular performance reviews can help address this by providing support and recognition, thus enhancing job satisfaction and retention. 

Preparing for Success

Preparation is key to an effective performance review. Both managers and employees should come prepared to discuss past performance, current challenges, and future goals. 


  • Gather Data: Collect relevant data on the employee’s performance, including patient feedback, peer reviews, and personal observations. This helps in providing a balanced and evidence-based assessment. 
  • Set Objectives: Clearly define the objectives of the review. This could include assessing job performance, discussing career development, and setting future goals. 
  • Schedule in Advance: Schedule the review well in advance and provide the employee with a summary of what will be discussed. This allows them to prepare and participate actively. 

Navigating the Review Process

Conducting the review in a structured and supportive manner is crucial. The goal is to create a constructive dialogue that fosters improvement and growth. 


  • Create a Comfortable Environment: Ensure the setting is private and free from interruptions. This helps the employee feel comfortable and open. 
  • Use a Structured Approach: Follow a structured format for the review. Begin with positive feedback, discuss areas for improvement, and end with goal setting. 
  • Encourage Dialogue: Encourage the employee to share their perspective. Ask open-ended questions and listen actively to their concerns and suggestions. 

Taking Action Post-Review

The effectiveness of a performance review is determined by the actions taken afterward. It’s important to follow through on agreed-upon goals and provide continuous support. 


  • Develop an Action Plan: Create a detailed action plan based on the discussion. This should include specific goals, timelines, and support needed. 
  • Provide Resources: Offer the necessary resources and support to help the employee achieve their goals. This could include training, mentoring, or changes in workload. 
  • Monitor Progress: Schedule follow-up meetings to monitor progress and provide ongoing feedback. This helps keep the employee on track and demonstrates your commitment to their development. 

Creating a Culture of Feedback

Performance reviews should be part of a broader culture of continuous feedback and improvement. Regular, informal feedback can complement formal reviews and help maintain high performance standards. 


  • Encourage Regular Check-Ins: Promote regular check-ins between managers and employees. These can be less formal and focused on immediate feedback and support. 
  • Foster Open Communication: Create an environment where feedback is welcomed and valued. Encourage employees to give and receive feedback constructively. 
  • Recognise and Reward: Regularly recognise and reward good performance. This boosts morale and reinforces positive behaviours. 


Running effective performance reviews is crucial for maintaining high standards of care and a motivated workforce in medical settings. By understanding the importance of reviews, preparing thoroughly, navigating the process with care, taking action post-review, and fostering a culture of continuous feedback, medical job recruiters and managers can ensure their teams are supported, engaged, and aligned with organisational goals. This not only benefits the employees but also enhances patient care and the overall success of the medical practice. 


Performance Management